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Silly Scotch foto

Silly Scotch

Objem: Obsah alkoholu: 8% Stupňovitost 18°

Pivní styl
Belgian Bruin Ale
Top-fermented beer, Scotch type. Silly Scotch was born from a unique tradition and, throughout the years, has grown into a reference beer for its particular style. Its lovely red colour with more than a hint of copper is hidden below a beige head. Its complex aromas breathe the scent of brioche accompanied by raisins, fruit jam and fresh raspberry. This is a generous, full-mouthed beer reminiscent of a liqueur. The initial, most striking impressions are those of honey and caramel. The flavours of prunes and roast malt come through in the finish. There is a refreshing aftertaste.

Všechna piva v nabídce obsahují lepek a alergen číslo 1- obiloviny. - All beers on menu contain gluten and allergen # 1- cereals.