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Augustijn Blond foto

Augustijn Blond

Objem: Obsah alkoholu: 7% Stupňovitost 16°

Van Steenberge
Pivní styl
Belgian Blond Ale
Amber blonde with white foam head Alcohol. Straightforward and mild with again maltishness and hop and a light touch of vanilla.

In 1295 the Augustinian friars started to brew Augustijn in their Ghent monastery. In the Middle Ages many monks and priests brewed and sold their own beer.In 1978 the Augustinian friars sought a new partner for the brewing of their Augustijn beer. They had previously also outsourced the brewing of their lager beer. Brewery Van Steenberge was a logical choice, since it was located near the monastery. Respect for the tradition was guaranteed.

Všechna piva v nabídce obsahují lepek a alergen číslo 1- obiloviny. - All beers on menu contain gluten and allergen # 1- cereals.